
Week 68: It Lays Eggs


Well first of all, this week was a good week, well mixed, good until yesterday. We started out this week helping an investigator with her english project, making sure that everything was translated correctly. Its a good thing that I checked because it was a recipe, and as I was reading how to make this salad, it says ´and it lays eggs on topof the salad´ haha i about died laughing. It was good once she understood why I was laughing and then she was on the floor laughing too, since she meant to say ´place the eggs on top of the salad´. Granted that english is hard to learn. We continued the week with some of the funniest family nights of my mission. With Anilton (convert) doing a catwalk and other members trying to sing in english and dance the traditional dances here. It was a lot of fun, until friday.

The week was going great until I smacked my lip on my waterbottle lid and cut it open. Thats the reason why I didnt take any pictures. It looked pretty nasty, but now its not too bad. But we did have fun making up stories of how it happened.

Then we hit Sunday, and Albertina, Sonia, Ani, and Marcia didn't come to church! So instead of the 5 baptisms that we were supposed to have, we will not be having any. But in a few more weeks, hopefully Albertina, Sonia and Ani will be baptized. But Marcia and Janine will not be getting baptized because their dad will not give permission yet, but with more time he said he will let them. So ya know. Thats life. Its okay because the Lord has people prepared here, we might just be planting some seeds.

Well, thats just about it for this week!

Love you all!
Sister Kohlert

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